terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2008

Para Saber Mais

JON - NVSH – http://www.jorisoost.nl
Dutch Society for Sexual Reform – www.nvsh.nl
IPCE – www.ipce.info
ITP – Arcados - http://www.itp-arcados.net
Pédagora – http://www.pedagora.com
Danish Pedophile Association – danpedo.sexualpolitik.se
De Pedoloog – http://www.p-loog.info
K13 – k13-online.krumme13.eu
Vereniging MARTIJN – http://www.martijn.org
North American Man-Boy Love Association – www.nambla.org
MHAMic – http://www.mhamic.org
Free Spirits – http://www.freespirits.org
Newgon – http://newgon.com
BoyLinks – http://www.boylinks.net
Boy Chat – www.boychat.org
Girl Chat – www.annabellleigh.net
Le Jardin d'Alice – jardin.glgarden.org
Girllove Garden – www.glgarden.org
Girllover Forum – http://www.girlloverforum.net
La Garçonnière – http://www.legarcon.net
El Castillo Azul – https://www.castilloazul.org
Jungforum – http://www.jungsforum.net
Zeitgeist the Movie – www.zeitgeistmovie.com
SafeTnet – http://www.safet.net
B4U-Act – http://www.b4uact.org
Sexuality and Culture – http://www.csulb.edu/~asc/journal.html
Critical Estoppel – http://www.critest.com
Inquisition 21st Century – www.inquisition21.com
Moral Outrage – http://www.moraloutrage.net
Boyhood Studies – http://www.boyhoodstudies.com
Reform Sex Offender Laws – http://www.reformsexoffenderlaws.org
Love - Not War – http://www.garrettjones.talktalk.net
The Moralist – http://pages.prodigy.net/rover01/index_001.htm
Growing Up Sexually – http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/GUS_AFS.HTM
Robin Sharpe – http://www.robinsharpe.ca
Project TRUTH / FreeWill – http://www.ptfw.org
Center for Sex Positive Culture – http://www.sexpositiveculture.org
National Association For Sexual Awareness & Empowerment – www.nasae.org
Society for Human Sexuality – www.sexuality.org
Center for Sex & Culture – www.sexandculture.org
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality – www.iashs.edu
Woodhull Freedom Foundation – www.woodhullfoundation.org
PNVD - Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid & Diversiteit – www.pnvd.nl
EFF - Blue Ribbon – w2.eff.org/br
Anista Internacional – www.amnesty.org
Irrepressible.info – irrepressible.info
Human Rights Watch – www.hrw.org
Bibliografia Sugerida:
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Outras Sugestões Bibliográficas em:
verdade.cjb.net – http://verdade.cjb.net
paradigma.blogratuit.ro – http://paradigma.blogratuit.ro
novoparadigma.webs.com – http://www.freewebs.com/novoparadigma
novoparadigm.blogspot.com – http://novoparadigm.blogspot.com

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